This past weekend, Nautilus Institute ran the DEF CON CTF final event at DEF CON 30 in Las Vegas in conjunction with our friends over at LiveCTF. At the end of three straight days of hacking, we crowned a winner: the Maple Mallard Magistrates. Congratulations to them and the other teams that qualified for and played in our finals! We hope to see all of you back again next year.

If you’re interested in seeing the stream from the mini-tournament that was hosted as a “challenge” within our game, please check out the links on the LiveCTF website.

The full, final classification of all the teams is below:

  1. Maple Mallard Magistrates - 24394 points
  2. Katzebin - 22818 points
  3. StarBugs - 22363 points
  4. Water Paddler - 21788 points
  5. perfect r✪✪✪t - 21654 points
  6. the new organizers - 20496 points
  7. Straw Hat - 20087 points
  8. PTB_WTL - 18575 points
  9. - 18550 points
  10. DiceGuesser - 18229 points
  11. ./V /home/r/.bin/tw - 18191 points
  12. CP-r3kapig - 17974 points
  13. Shellphish - 17782 points
  14. Sauercloud - 17348 points
  15. - 16462 points
  16. OSUSEC - 15648 points

Update (2022-09-26): All source code to the challenges from the game have been placed on GitHub!


fuzyll has been playing in and running CTFs since 2010. His highest finish in DEF CON Finals as a player was 2nd in 2013 with Men in Black Hats. He was previously an organizer and challenge author for Ghost in the Shellcode (2012-2015), DEF CON (2017), and Hack-a-Sat (2020-2021).